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In 2024, Total Swiss is transitioning towards a direct selling and traditional industry fusion. Dr. Wang leads global partners into a new era of 'Sync

12 / 30 / 2023

total swiss korea 'Sync

After the results of the 23rd Million-Dollar Lottery were announced, Dr. Wang proceeded with a meaningful health lecture that touched on both strategy and products. During the lecture, Dr. Wang affirmed that the Total Swiss Baby Boomer Generation partners are the most stable assets. At the same time, he officially declared that in 2024, Total Swiss will integrate direct selling with traditional industries, ushering in a new era for Total Swiss with synchronized communication.

Here is a summary of Dr. Wang's lecture:

It seems that 2023 is coming to an end quickly. Right now, the entire market is bustling with political activities, and people are focused on choosing a president. Some want one person as the president to lead them in one direction, while others prefer a different candidate to take them in another direction.

Total Swiss is no different. When we share the same goals and direction, we can move forward together. If someone in Total Swiss has different goals from ours, they might feel uncomfortable.

A crow in a group of white crows will fly away to find a group of crows.

In this world, there's no right or wrong; it depends on your choices. If you choose to be with people who share your goals and values, you will naturally align with them.

So, in the upcoming presidential election, you should vote according to your own beliefs and values. Choose the candidate who aligns with your vision, but please don't skip voting.

The Baby Boomer Generation is a national asset

In elections, many candidates pay special attention to the youth vote because young people are more open to change, while older individuals are less likely to change their views.

For example, I've been speaking for many years, but only some of you are willing to listen and believe. It still comes down to the old saying: those who believe can be saved.

Aging has become a serious challenge for many countries. When the population aged 65 and above reaches 15%, it's called an elderly society. When it reaches 20%, it's an aging society, and when it's 25%, with one out of every four people being elderly, it's called a super-aging society.

Many people worry about aging societies, but whether a younger or older society is better depends on what you want and what you're comparing.

If you're comparing physical strength, then a younger society is stronger. However, if you're comparing experience and resilience, an older, super-aging society is better.

...For more valuable information, please click here.


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