To Share To Serve To Succeed


Dr. Wang meticulously guides leaders to effectively utilize their teams and resources, streamlining the path to business success.

12 / 30 / 2023

total swiss korea cess.

On November 20th, 135 Crown Presidents from Taiwan and South Korea gathered at the five-star Asia Pacific Hotel in the Beitou Hot Springs area of Taipei to attend the "2023 Crown President Training Class."

At 1:00 PM, the host, Melody, led the leaders from Taiwan and Korea to form groups, select team leaders, and come up with team chants.

The first team to come up with a chant was concise and ambitious, saying, "Call me number one, YA!"

The first team chant from the Korean leaders had a strong Korean flavor, rhythmic and powerful, chanting, "CP, CP, CP, fighting!"

After each team had a team leader and a team chant, Dr. Wang delivered the opening speech for the training class.

Here are the highlights of Dr. Wang's speech at the training class:

"Today, we have come to the mountains, away from the hustle and bustle of the world, to focus more on our lessons.

I just returned from Korea not too long ago, and over twenty Korean partners have joined us today.

You've been in network marketing for a long time, but are you satisfied with your current status? Do you feel that you're still a bit far from your ultimate goal?

Then we should think about how to compress the path to success, how to achieve success faster and do our business better with less effort and in less time.

Five Types of People You Encounter on the Path to Success

There are five types of people who will influence your journey to success. The first is 'your own efforts.' This is crucial, but in this industry, besides hard work, there are several other key points.

The second is 'the support of your family,' which is especially important in the network marketing industry.

The third is 'the supervision of negative people.' Network marketing is a powerful industry where you can achieve significant success in a short time. So, there will be many competitors and envious people who will try to undermine you. Can you withstand their supervision and malice? If you can't, you'll fail. How can you turn negative people into your friends? That's the key. Instead of arguing or fighting with them, melt them with a soft approach, kind words, and your personal testimonies.

People are hard to persuade, but they are easily moved because humans are emotional creatures. How you handle negative people and their malice is a crucial factor in your success.

The fourth is 'guidance from experienced individuals.' Network marketing didn't always exist; it suddenly appeared in the world. Many people say that network marketing is an American industry, while others believe it will be a Chinese industry. But I tell you, it's very likely to become a Korean industry because this industry requires the unique Korean spirit of 'fighting.'

I often go to Korea, not only to impart the spirit and culture of Total Swiss to Korean partners but also to experience the atmosphere of 'fighting.' I've invited Korean partners today so that you can all be infected by this spirit, as Taiwanese people are too polite and reserved. Taiwanese people are not as forthright; they are afraid to speak their minds. Koreans are more courageous; they speak their minds. In running a network marketing business, this courage is crucial.

Lastly, the fifth is 'assistance from benefactors.' We all hope to find benefactors, but we often neglect whether we are benefactors to others. If you constantly expect assistance from benefactors but often act poorly towards others, then benefactors won't want to help you a second time. When a benefactor helps you, you must consider whether you can be a benefactor to them as well.

Only through mutual assistance, reciprocity, will your benefactors be willing to help you continuously.

If You Want to Succeed, You Can't Do It Alone

Most people earn money through physical strength and time, like taxi drivers who make money when they have passengers and stop making money when they don't, or delivery drivers who earn money through deliveries. Then there are those who use knowledge to make money, but this also requires time, like doctors who make money when they see patients and don't make money when they don't. So, they still rely on time and physical effort to earn money.

Do you still want to create your ideal kingdom solely with your own efforts? If that's the case, you will never be satisfied throughout your life. You must rely on resources and have a team. In the network marketing industry, you need the power of a team to succeed.

Relying on a team, the first thing is to build a strong team, bring people together, organize them, act together, and fight together.

When the team grows to a certain stage, people will come and go. Can you minimize the number of people leaving and reduce criticism of the company?

Then you also need to find enough new people to expand your organization. Finding new people is something you can't do on your own. One person attracts one person, and one team attracts one team. Therefore, you must make good use of your team and not go it alone. This is the law of attraction.

Not everyone in the world will like your way of speaking or your style, but if three people act together, one person may not like you, but they may like the people around you.

Next to Liu Bei, there were Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. With a team, you can win battles.

Enjoying Resources You Don't Realize You Have

You may not realize how significant your resources are, how lucky you are in this environment. You need to come often to understand everything the company has done and how vast your resources are.

There is no other company in Taiwan with such a large venue in the company itself. In Korea, no other company has its own building and a warehouse for logistics centers. But we do.

Taking Money from My Own Pocket to Use for Everyone

For this Crown President Training Class event, in other companies, you might have to pay NT$10,000 or NT$20,000, but everyone paid only NT$2,000. Korean partners didn't even have to pay; the company covered their airfare. This is me taking money from my own pocket and using it for everyone. It depends on whether you can make use of it. Over these two days, I hope you all enjoy the course. Tonight, I've prepared a sumptuous dinner and karaoke for you to enjoy. Sing to your heart's content."


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