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Health comes from the most fundamental nutrition, and with a change in mindset, greater achievements can be attained. Seize the ever-enduring health

12 / 29 / 2023

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On the afternoon of October 21, 2023, after a lottery draw, Dr. Wang conducted an engaging health lecture. He used TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) as a starting point and emphasized the importance of crisis awareness, the ability to adapt, and reminded everyone that the healthcare industry has remained unchanged for thousands of years and will continue to do so for the next hundred years.

Here is a summary of Dr. Wang's health lecture:

Currently, the best industry in Taiwan is the semiconductor industry (IC), and the strongest company is TSMC. However, TSMC is not just one company; it represents a series of semiconductor companies. TSMC requires talent and machines, with each machine potentially costing up to one hundred million dollars.

TSMC manufactures chips, which are then used in various products such as computers, smartphones, and servers. Currently, the most popular application is in AI (Artificial Intelligence). In this process, the majority of the profits go to the United States, with TSMC earning a portion, and another Taiwanese individual, Huang Jen-hsun, who founded NVIDIA, also earning a portion.

We are fortunate to live in Taiwan, where things seem to be going well despite the turmoil in the world. In the past, Samsung was the dominant force in chip production, surpassing TSMC. However, due to certain incidents, TSMC managed to regain its position, and now Samsung faces challenges in catching up.

What I want to express is that you never know when the industry you are involved in may undergo a dramatic change, so it's crucial to have a sense of crisis. In the past, companies like Motorola and Nokia were leaders in the mobile phone industry, and companies like Fuji and Kodak dominated the film industry. However, with the integration of camera functions into smartphones by Steve Jobs, Motorola, Nokia, Fuji, and Kodak all lost their positions.

You should stay vigilant rather than go with the flow. Those of us with some experience have witnessed such changes, but do you feel the impact of these changes, or are you just like leaves floating in the sea?

The changes we have experienced in the past fifty years may exceed those of the past five hundred years, and the next five years may bring even greater changes. Don't assume that your old position or old methods are secure. Many times, a sudden change can not only result in some losses but can reset everything.

In this era of rapid change, the healthcare industry is the only one that has remained unchanged for thousands of years. AI may be the hottest trend right now, but AI cannot replace your health. In the coming decades, centuries, or even two hundred years, the healthcare industry will still be the same, unless humanity is destroyed.

Humanity may destroy itself, and we may not know when or how, but scientifically, we know that when a nuclear bomb explodes, the temperature exceeds two thousand degrees, and everything instantly disappears.

The terrifying power of nuclear bombs. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were hit by two atomic bombs, resulting in many deaths. At high temperatures, the bodies of the deceased turned into ashes, and their remains couldn't be found.

Einstein discovered that matter can be converted into energy, and the energy generated from this conversion can be immense, as represented by the equation E=mc², where E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light.

Countries like the United States, the Soviet Union, and China possess many nuclear bombs. Only a fraction of their arsenals is sufficient to destroy the Earth. Due to the overwhelming power of these weapons, countries with nuclear capabilities mainly use them as a deterrent. Nuclear power can also be used for generating electricity.

On March 11, 2011, during the 311 tsunami disaster that damaged the Fukushima nuclear power plant, a Japanese network marketing expert was in Tokyo to receive an award. At the same time, his wife and child were swallowed by the tsunami. This tragic event filled him with remorse, and he retreated to the remote town of Jinguashi in Taiwan, which was his wife's hometown, hoping to sever all ties with his past.

For his daily chores, he hired a young man, but he noticed that the young man became involved in a Money Game scheme for the sake of money. As an accomplished network marketing leader, he was deeply concerned about this and decided to help the young man avoid the pitfalls of the Money Game. However, he kept his own identity and achievements in the Japanese network marketing world a secret.

Many of us in this industry have experienced self-doubt because there are numerous illegitimate network marketing companies that have tarnished our reputation. In fact, there are very few companies like ours in the entire network marketing and health industry that operate in such a legitimate and ethical manner. If you are willing to consider our company as a lifelong career, it will provide you with great security.

At Total Swiss, our primary goal is to help others achieve health and success. I began by discussing the serious issues of our time, but we should also focus on our own health.

You could argue that we could sell this venue (Taipei Company 7th floor) and rent another one. However, using someone else's venue would mean giving up our autonomy, and the air quality and comfort might not be as good. Because this venue belongs to us, we can take care of many aspects and ensure that everyone feels comfortable. Having such a dedicated space is what makes you feel lucky and encourages you to come and listen.

To achieve greater success, you need to change your mindset.

In the past, people often entered the world of network marketing because they knew someone selling perfume or Lingzhi (a type of mushroom), and they followed suit. But did they truly have a passion for that industry? Many may have switched companies multiple times before arriving where they are now. As time goes by, opportunities become scarcer, and there are very few partners under the age of 30.

Changing your mindset is crucial. There was a partner who was very successful in his field but sacrificed his health in the process. I once advised him to temporarily set aside his current business to focus on building his Total Swiss business in order to regain his health. However, he couldn't let go of the success he had achieved in his current business. He only dabbled in Total Swiss, sitting in his original business's premises and trying to convince others to fully commit to Total Swiss. While this approach may work in many fields, it doesn't apply to network marketing. In the network marketing industry, nobody can continue part-time and expect others to go full-time.

If TSMC's founder, Morris Chang, had not changed his mindset, he might have spent his entire career as the CEO of Texas Instruments, and that would have been it. It was because of his change in mindset that he was able to create the global semiconductor giant, TSMC.

Understanding the root cause leads to the right solutions.

When we speak, the first person to hear us is ourselves, so a deaf person must also be mute. This illustrates the interconnectedness of our health.

Cancer cells exist in everyone's body, scattered throughout, typically in the millions. To truly qualify as cancer, you need at least a billion or more of these cells. It takes about five to ten years to accumulate this number, during which time you should start noticing symptoms. Cancer and many other health issues are outcomes; we need to understand how they originate, the root causes, in order to know what solutions to apply.

When resources are scarce, there's unrest.

Our bodies are like kingdoms that need protection from invasion. Just as kingdoms have police and armies to safeguard against external threats, our bodies have immune systems for this purpose. However, these immune systems should not turn against us. When the body has an excessive number of soldiers (immune cells) and police (inflammatory responses), they can start to oppress the civilians (our own cells), leading to conditions like autoimmune diseases such as lupus. Unfortunately, there are no effective cures for these immune system disorders.

Why do soldiers and police oppress civilians? It's because they are not well-treated; therefore, soldiers may turn to robbery, and police may engage in illegal activities. To make them behave better, they need better treatment. In terms of our bodies, this means providing them with adequate nutrition. This is a basic principle in nutrition science. The problem is that our dietary choices are often driven by personal preferences rather than nutritional needs. When you consume a lot of food that you enjoy but that your body's soldiers and police do not need, they become dissatisfied and may cause trouble.

Winning the battle outside strengthens your resistance.

To avoid getting sick, what's the best approach? Of course, taking care of yourself and being kind to your body is essential. The first thing to do is to boost your resistance to fight off external invaders.

Viruses were referred to as plagues in ancient times, and they could wipe out entire populations. There were plagues in chickens, pigs, and in humans. Viruses come in many forms and mutate rapidly, making them challenging to defend against. Enhancing your resistance means battling these invaders outside your body, primarily in places like your nasal and oral cavities. All seven bodily openings that can bleed are considered external.

In addition to viruses, bacteria can also be dangerous, especially pathogenic bacteria like cholera. When it comes to viruses and bacteria, the stomach is still considered external. If you can win the battle outside your body and defeat viruses and bacteria, you won't get sick.

Immunity battles inside the body, while nutrition is your recovery power.

The second aspect is immunity. After viruses invade, immune cells battle viruses and bacteria inside the body. This battle within the body often results in damage, and the most crucial thing during this phase is recovery power, which is provided by nutrition.

This part is seldom discussed in hospitals. Hospital doctors focus on critical care and stabilizing patients, not on restoring their health. Patients in critical condition are often placed in intensive care units (ICUs) to prevent death. However, ICUs are not designed for recovery; they are for preventing death. Once the patient is out of immediate danger and transferred to a regular ward, they are typically allowed to consume food brought by family members. After receiving additional nutrition from this food, patients can regain their strength and eventually leave the hospital. Doctors and nurses often emphasize keeping warm and consuming more nutrients as patients prepare to leave the hospital.

Clearly, the reason patients can leave the hospital in good health is due to nutrition, not just medical treatment. This nutrition provides the recovery power needed by the body.

Health comes from the most basic nutrients.

When doctors tell you to increase your intake of nutrients, they are referring to the fundamental components of our diet: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.

These may seem ordinary compared to the more glamorous and high-end products like Ganoderma lucidum (lingzhi), deer placenta, and stem cells that others may promote. Let me tell you, if you have an adequate supply of these basic nutrients, you will be healthy. Don't live a poor-quality life while seeking to buy a diamond or purchasing a Rolls-Royce when all you need is basic transportation.

To maintain health, there is nothing else you can do but continuously consume proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. How much you need depends on the state of your body. How many of you can still move agilely, feel mentally sharp, and enjoy your meals? There aren't many.

As you grow older, you'll realize that keeping your body healthy is not a given; it requires careful maintenance.

How Many Years Have You Lost?

Our body, like any equipment, has a usable lifespan. Japanese cars, for instance, are said to have a usable lifespan of six years. From the seventh year onwards, problems start to arise here and there. German cars like Mercedes-Benz and BMW have a usable lifespan of around ten years, and even they can develop issues beyond that point. Everything on Earth has a usable lifespan, and after a certain period, problems will inevitably arise. How long is the usable lifespan of the body that God has given us? We need to keep this in mind; it's not infinite.

So, what is the human lifespan? Lifespan is calculated through subtraction. Catching a cold might reduce it by a few days, while smoking, drinking, and staying up late could subtract even more. Unfortunately, these subtractions cannot be offset by achievements or contributions. The human lifespan is determined by telomerase, an enzyme that divides 50 times during a person's life.

The length of telomeres determines the length of life. Each time a cell divides, telomeres shorten, and humans have a limited number of cell divisions—roughly 50 in total. Since the average human cell metabolizes every 2.4 years, humans should theoretically live to be 120 years old. The reason people don't reach this age is often because they haven't taken good care of their telomeres.

Focus on What's Reversible for a Healthier Life

You can't lengthen your telomeres, but you can protect them from rapid degradation to extend your life compared to others. How can you control this? Many things are reversible, and many are not. If you damage something irreversible, it's gone. But if it's reversible, there's a way to remedy it. Anti-aging and antioxidation measures are ways to reverse certain processes, but if something is truly irreversible, don't waste your efforts, as it cannot be undone.

One important organ in your body that is reversible is your liver. If you cut a piece of your liver, it will regenerate. Even if your liver's function deteriorates slightly, it can recover. Furthermore, the liver can compensate for other organs, and many organs are influenced by the liver. If your kidneys are not functioning well, it could be due to problems with your liver.

The Liver's Role in Protein Synthesis

The liver also plays a vital role in synthesizing proteins. The term "protein" can be a bit confusing; in reality, proteins are composed of various amino acids in specific proportions. Pork, beef, and lamb proteins also contain 22 different amino acids, but the proportions differ from those in human proteins.

When various proteins enter the stomach, they are broken down into amino acids, and some amino acids may stick together. Two amino acids together are called dipeptides, three together are called tripeptides, and when more are linked, they are called polypeptides. However, these ultimately break down into amino acids and are then synthesized into human proteins by the liver.

Therefore, when you consume food, it's best to eat a variety of foods to ensure a rich supply of nutrients. This way, you won't experience downtime due to a lack of specific ingredients.

People who have a selective diet, such as vegetarians, may consume a lot of plant-based proteins. However, long-term vegetarianism can lead to deficiencies in phenylalanine, methionine, and lysine.

The Role of the Liver in Kidney and Colonic Disease

The liver converts all nutrients into forms that the body can use and then distributes them to all organs. These organs, after receiving nutrients, also send back waste and toxins to the liver for detoxification. Thus, the liver also serves as a waste processing center and incinerator.

After detoxification, water-soluble waste products are transported to the kidneys via the bloodstream. The renal glomerulus continues to filter and recycle waste, sending what needs to be eliminated to the bladder. If your liver sends toxins that haven't been fully detoxified to your kidneys, it can reduce your glomerular filtration rate and even require dialysis. The root cause of this problem lies in the liver. However, if you consult a nephrologist (kidney specialist), they may not address the liver's condition.

After detoxification in the liver, toxins that are not water-soluble are transported along with bile to the gallbladder, bile ducts, and duodenum, where dietary fiber envelops them. These toxins are then excreted through the feces. If your liver's detoxification function is impaired, non-water-soluble waste can accumulate in the colon for an extended period. Prolonged waste accumulation in the colon can damage the colon, disrupt the gut microbiome, and lead to various health issues. Therefore, if you develop colon cancer due to such issues, it is essentially a result of liver dysfunction.

Recycling, Even More Important Than Manufacturing New

Old and worn-out red blood cells not only lose their function but can also affect blood circulation. So, they are sent to the spleen to be broken down, and the components inside are transported to the liver. The liver then sorts and processes these components. Among them, the ones that need to be retained are called direct bilirubin, while the ones that are yet to be transformed are called indirect bilirubin. If there is too much direct bilirubin that can be recycled, it indicates a problem with the liver's recycling function. If there is an excess of indirect bilirubin, it suggests an issue with the quality of the blood, as red blood cells are constantly being destroyed.

Between manufacturing new materials and recycling old ones, recycling old materials is actually more critical. This concept is analogous to managing an organization or business. Within your organization, there may be many "purple" partners waiting for your call. With just one phone call, they could become active contributors. This is much easier than trying to recruit entirely new individuals.

If your liver's recycling function is impaired, it could jeopardize your health, just as it would in an organization.

The Discovery of the Disobedient White Rat

In the formulation of our product, there is a reducing agent for iron ions. Iron ions with one less electron are called monovalent iron, while those with two less electrons are called divalent iron, and those with three less electrons are called trivalent iron. The reducing agent we use in our formula is called Guanana.

Most people consider Guanana to be a stimulant, but what we need is not a stimulant; it's a reducing agent that can reduce iron ions. Through this reducing agent, we can convert iron ions into monovalent, divalent, or trivalent forms, which are capable of carrying oxygen.

Because it can carry a large amount of oxygen, when a person is tired and lacks oxygen, adding a spoonful of "Lillte Red" restores their energy. Even without water, simply holding a spoonful of "Lillte Red" in your mouth can make you feel more alert.

This may seem simple, but at the time, finding this solution was not easy.

To discover a solution through experiments, having white rats is crucial. I was the white rat back then.

Moreover, I was a somewhat disobedient white rat. At the time, my professor asked me and my fellow students to use an experimental product for research. The product had specific dosage instructions, and everyone followed them diligently. However, once I learned that the product's components were harmless, I often sneaked extra portions. It would often be a French baguette paired with the experimental product, and that's how I spent my days.

Soon enough, the results of the experimental product on me started to differ significantly from those of my peers. My changes were the most significant, and the effects were the most profound. So, when I confessed that my transformation was due to consuming a large quantity of the product, my habit of sneaking extra portions became justified.

This experience also served as the foundation for our theory of "quantitative change leading to qualitative change."


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