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Total Swiss First Phase President Training---All the aspiring future presidents are in high spirits, determined to seize the October promotion and ad

12 / 29 / 2023

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The Total Swiss First Phase President Training Sprint will take place on October 14th from 10 AM to 6 PM. This course aims to reinforce the learning outcomes of the first-phase training by reviewing the material. Dr. Willy Wang will also explain the secrets of understanding and effectively using the organizational treasure map, leveraging the October promotion to achieve the goal of becoming a president.

Additionally, the training course on the 14th differs in tone and content from the previous sessions. The emphasis at the end of the initial training is on igniting ambition, determination, and enthusiasm. At the conclusion of the return training, the focus is on internalizing and harnessing that ambition, determination, and enthusiasm to become an unstoppable force, taking proactive action to reach the rank of president.

At 10:10 AM, Dr. Willy Wang addressed the 49 trainees in an eagerly anticipated opening speech.

Here is a summary of Dr. Willy Wang's speech:

Since the previous training, we have all learned many lessons, but the question is, have you implemented them? After the first phase and the recent second phase in Kaohsiung, it's clear that everyone is becoming more enthusiastic. Did you know that the second phase in Kaohsiung was even more passionate than your group? Have you seen their activities on Line? Do you think they are improving from one generation to the next? So, we brought you here today to ensure you don't show any weakness.

Of course, we will have the third and fourth phases, and this will continue. You will be the seniors. In the past, we offered 13 weeks of WP courses with energetic instructors. However, after the courses ended and the instructors left, everyone's motivation dropped again.

This time, all our instructors are from within the company, including three new additions. So, when you join, you can't escape because they won't leave after the course ends. They will stay with you and guide you to the rank of president. Remember, you should have the mindset of a Crown President; your goal is to become a Crown President.

This process happens step by step. It might seem challenging, but after two days and one night of training, I believe you'll feel it's possible, and that you're closer to the rank of president.

Looking at your performance so far, some of you haven't truly started yet; maybe you're still warming up. We seem to have several days left until October 31st, but don't take it slow. Don't wait until October 31st or November 1st to ask for an extension. It happens every time, and I'm tired of it. Why don't you request an extension a day or two earlier? So, this time, October 31st is the absolute deadline. You must start now.

Our system is modeled after the military's hierarchy. If you've been in the military, it's easy to understand. M1, M2, M3 correspond to Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, and Captain. It's a step-by-step progression. Then, there's D1, D2, D3, which corresponds to Major, Lieutenant Colonel, and Colonel. Above that, you have Brigadier General, Major General, and Lieutenant General, which are equivalent to our P1, P2, and CP.

After I graduated from college, I joined the military. Everyone chose their roles based on their specialties. Medical students became medical officers, engineering students chose to become officers in their field, and liberal arts and law students became military lawyers. I was wondering what to choose because we all live in a society where no matter where you work, you'll encounter a significant issue called human resources. So, I chose to become a personnel officer.

Once I entered the military, I underwent training and learned that personnel officers handle promotions, transfers, reassignments, and staffing. Promotion is about advancing in rank. Why do some people get promoted while others don't? Transfers and reassignments involve sending individuals to new locations to start anew, and staffing deals with filling vacancies. Promotion, transfer, reassignment, and staffing are all determined by rewards and penalties. This is true in the military, and it's also essential in our organization. If you want to become a leader, a general in the military, or a P1 in Total Swiss, you must pay attention to rewards and penalties.

Being in the military, I realized the ultimate goal is to become a general. When it comes to Total Swiss, the equivalent is becoming a P1. Remember, when you achieve P1 in Total Swiss, it's like becoming a general. We care deeply about whether you reach P1 or not. The general is the core leader of the entire army, and your role in Total Swiss is to reach P1. This is crucial, and you can't make excuses.

Everyone who believes in our products and principles should aim to reach P1 at the right time. We will build generation after generation; that's how we grow our business.

Now, the world is still witnessing the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and Israel. While our Total Swiss business is not a physical battle, the competitive landscape in the business world can be just as intense. In the business arena, we compete not just with products but also with companies and systems. People often say that money is just material wealth and has a metallic smell, but what's the alternative? Does it smell like sweat? I'd rather have the metallic smell than body odor.

Most of you have a deep understanding of our product and its content, but very few of you can articulate our system. That's because we've always focused on winning through our products.

You should know that in the direct selling industry, especially in health and nutrition products, no other company dares to compete with Total Swiss.

I'm well aware that many professionals and even business owners from other companies, behind closed doors, acknowledge that Total Swiss products are the best when it comes to cellular nutrition. So, what about you? Can you talk about it? We've already provided you with training on this, focusing more on how to run the business. Today, we have limited time, so the emphasis is on how to effectively communicate and get to the point.

Furthermore, we have major promotions every May and October. While these promotions are intended to help you recruit, they have created a bad habit. Many people wait for May and October, and once these periods are over, they become complacent or neglect their business while waiting for the next round of promotions. Some complain if the promotional products don't match their preferences. This behavior is detrimental to the organization.

What you do regularly, you should continue doing consistently. Don't wait for promotions to make purchases and then complain. I hope the company can operate sustainably, rather than having everyone be active for just two months each year and then lounging around or neglecting their business the rest of the time.

The 6+2 promotion in October. I've been saying for three years that we should stop this, but it hasn't happened yet. The absence of 6+2 makes you feel like your energy decreases entirely, and you can't motivate yourself, like a deflated ball.

Our prices have remained unchanged for over a decade, despite several product upgrades. We have improved the content, but we haven't raised the prices. Our prices have stayed the same from over ten years ago until now. So, what's the issue with 6+2? We're already selling at a discounted price. We can't keep doing this indefinitely. The company has offered it for too long. I've discussed this internally, and many people agree that we should stop offering 6+2.

This time, we are offering it again, but it's an exception. We might not offer it again in the future. Even if we do, it won't last forever.

Remember, don't wait for May and October promotions. Don't think you're smart by buying in May and October and making a profit. There's no future in that. Some people think they're making a big profit during these months, but that's not sustainable. We have 12 months in a year, and we should be doing business 365 days a year. The promotional months of May and October are just a part of our regular business activities.

Additionally, some people have been in the business for three or four years and are still saying that they want to break even. Don't think like this; you're just wasting time. You have to make money as soon as possible. Don't waste your time; you have to build your future. So, stop thinking about breaking even. Some people take three to four years, while others take one year or even half a year to achieve this.

Lastly, it's all about how you approach it. When I was in the military, my seniors told me that I had to reach the rank of general. If you're in Total Swiss, you have to aim for P1. You have to have this mindset. Otherwise, what are you doing here?

So, starting from today, don't waste any more time. Have a clear mindset. This time, we are not merely offering you a simple review. We're here to check if your ambition and determination are strong enough to become a president in the future. Now, go ahead and get started!

Dr. Willy Wang's speech was enlightening and motivating, setting the tone for the rest of the training sprint. The participants were filled with determination and enthusiasm, ready to embark on their journey to achieve the rank of president in Total Swiss.


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