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Let's Rewrite the History of Global MLM Market this June!

5 / 24 / 2023

total swiss korea June!

The Million Dollar Lottery event took place on May 20 at 1:30 PM on the 7th floor of Total Swiss' Taipei headquarters. Prior to the lottery, Dr. Willy Wang delivered a captivating lecture, concluding with the introduction of Mr. Guo Yuxing, who will lead Total Swiss' expansion in the Chinese market.

Many individuals possess knowledge in various fields but lack self-awareness. In the past, access to information was limited for older generations, but today, the body's structure is taught from an early age. Despite comprehensive textbooks, few truly grasp their significance.

Dissecting Common Misconceptions

Dr. Willy Wang posed simple questions that revealed a lack of awareness among the audience. Many people are uncertain about the location of organs like the liver, pancreas, and the number of segments in the large intestine. Contrary to popular belief, the large intestine is positioned in front of the body, often causing abdominal pain. Lack of understanding about one's own body was evident.

The Complexities of Pancreatic Issues

The most challenging area to treat is the connection between the bile duct and the pancreatic duct, where the duodenum is located. Surgical intervention in this region is time-consuming and intricate, often lasting 10 to 15 hours. Surgeons must wear two layers of gloves due to the alkaline nature of bile and pancreatic fluids, which dissolve gloves. Cases involving this area are usually severe.

Liver's Role in Pancreatic Health

Pancreatic problems are often rooted in liver issues. Traditional Chinese medicine, lacking anatomical studies, did not focus on the pancreas. Chinese medicine addresses pancreatic problems through fasting, avoiding grains to temporarily halt pancreatic enzyme secretion and promote repair. However, severe pancreatic issues may be irreversible.

Understanding the Significance of the Liver

The liver is responsible for converting ingested nutrients into usable substances for the body. The portal vein, in addition to the hepatic artery and hepatic vein, transports nutrients and is a crucial pathway for human nutrition.

The Liver's Transformation of Nutrients

The liver transforms the raw materials we consume, such as rice, into smaller molecules that are absorbed after passing through the small intestine. Proteins, whether from animal or plant sources, are converted into the necessary proteins for the human body.

Liver's Resilience

The liver operates like a ship's compartments. Even if one section is damaged or removed, the liver can still function normally. Severe liver diseases may cause fatigue but can often be managed. However, if the liver experiences irreparable damage, it becomes challenging to salvage. Therefore, protecting the liver is of utmost importance.

The Philosophy of Subtraction in Human Lifespan

People often calculate the impact of their choices on their lifespan. For example, they may believe that drinking alcohol reduces life expectancy by a few seconds, or taking medication decreases it by a few minutes. From a cellular perspective, humans can live up to 120 years. With proper care, the lifespan can be extended by only three to five years, reaching 110 years.

Resilience, Immunity, and Recovery

The recent pandemic has reminded us of the unpredictability of life. Neglecting one's health increases the chances of falling ill, especially for individuals with chronic conditions or weaker immune systems. However, by being proactive and taking preventive measures, one can minimize the impact.

When encountering viruses, some individuals may get infected, while others remain unscathed. Furthermore, the responses to infections vary among individuals, with some experiencing symptoms and others being asymptomatic. Therefore, during a pandemic, it is essential to focus on three key aspects: resistance, immunity, and recovery.

Resistance refers to the body's ability to fend off external threats, intercepting viruses before they enter the body.

Immunity involves the internal defense mechanisms that combat viruses within the body.

Recovery is crucial to address the damages inflicted during the battle with a virus. Even with a robust immune system, some damage is inevitable. Therefore, the body's recovery capabilities play a vital role.

Individuals who recover fully from viral infections demonstrate effective resistance, immunity, and recovery. However, those who only partially recover may experience ongoing respiratory issues or complications due to abnormal immune responses. Each vaccination or viral infection activates the immune system, especially neutrophils. If the body faces challenges during this process, it can result in autoimmune diseases.

Correct Approach to Nutritional Supplementation

During this period, many of our partners are still hospitalized, and some have unfortunately passed away due to insufficient recovery capabilities. Some individuals believe that the nutritional supplementation provided by our products is inadequate, primarily due to misconceptions in their usage. They approach nutritional supplements with a medication mindset.

Unlike medications that require scheduled daily intake, nutritional supplementation differs. To replenish the lacking nutrients, one must ensure an adequate intake. You cannot repay a one-million-dollar debt by returning only two hundred thousand dollars; you must repay every cent. The same applies to nutrition—deficiencies must be fully addressed.

Therefore, the theory of medication cannot be applied to nutritional supplementation. Individuals who faithfully and diligently supplement their nutrition tend to recover better. Those who complain about ineffective results during viral outbreaks often fail to consistently and adequately supplement their nutrition.

Total Swiss: A Rare Business Promoting Health

I want to remind everyone that Total Swiss is not just a rare business opportunity; it is a business that promotes health. The rewards you receive will be messages of gratitude. Your life will become more meaningful, and your financial success will bring you greater joy.

Simultaneous Launch of Direct Selling in China and the United States in June

It is my responsibility to expand our business and make it bigger and better. While developing products is my expertise, I cannot create another business for everyone. However, I have been working hard to expand the market. Whenever I enter a new country, I first rent an office and invite people to join us. Initially, those who join are often individuals in need of health support, including those who are older and weaker. However, over time, they become revitalized and full of vitality, which is our ultimate goal.

We have been gradually expanding, and we now have a presence in sixteen countries. The two most important countries for this year are the United States, the birthplace of direct selling, and China, the largest direct selling market.

In the case of the United States, we have a seminar scheduled for June 10th in California. I will be flying there on June 7th, and we already have nearly 300 people registered to attend. Our company's location in Walnut, California, was previously a large building owned by a bank. It can accommodate around 100 people, but we also have a spacious adjacent area where over 200 cars can be parked. It is a great environment for hosting events.

As for entering the Chinese market, it has been a matter I have been contemplating and investing nearly 100 million RMB in. However, we have not officially launched yet, especially due to the ongoing pandemic. The costs of manpower and rent continue, despite the delays.

We have been striving to enter the mainland Chinese market, investing resources and finances. However, obtaining the required licenses has proven challenging due to various factors. Nevertheless, we have now found a promising solution. All the pieces are in place, except for one crucial element—a reliable person I can trust. Since I haven't personally operated there, that person must have successful experience in that market to help us establish a presence.

I have been searching for the right person, but my confidence has been lacking. However, I have now found someone who can successfully lead Total Swiss to thrive in the Chinese market. He has previously led a direct selling company, Infinitus, to become the top direct selling company in China.

After the end of Dr. Willy Wang’s speach, Mr. Guo was invited to share his experiences in mainland China and his vision for expanding our presence in the Chinese market.


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