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Hold high the shining golden signboard, let the whole world see and recognize the heartfelt respect for Total Swiss

5 / 3 / 2023

total swiss korea Swiss

2023 Jump Up, Korea Recognition (2023韓國頒聘大會) was held on April 26, 2023, in the Songdo Convensia Convention Center, Incheon, Korea.

In order to give the event a more Total Swiss style, Total Swiss was made the main character of the event instead of letting the performances of celebrities and technology take center stage and making Total Swiss a supporting character. Dr. Wang specially assigned a Taiwan administrative team to assist the Korean company in perfecting the event. After several rehearsals and adjustments led by Dr. Wang and the Korean and Taiwanese administrative teams on the afternoon of the 25th and early morning of the 26th, the long-awaited recognition ceremony for Korean partners was finally ready. The newly appointed directors, presidents, and crown presidents were recognized with the inspiring Total Swiss style.

The event officially began at 1:15 pm. Host Yoon Seok-joo introduced Dr. Wang and 20 crown presidents from around the world to the stage. The crown presidents formed a line, starting with Amy, each one a model of Total Swiss success and a future goal for all business partners.

Total Swiss Korea General Manager Lu Xi-ren welcomed and thanked both the global partners who came from afar and the local partners from Seoul, Busan, Jeonju, Daegu, Daejeon, and Incheon.

Subsequently, in congratulatory videos from partners and administrative teams in markets such as Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Indonesia, and Australia, each overseas partner and administrative team gave twice the encouragement and blessings in their own language and Korean.

The Korean partners who had struggled alone for three years during the pandemic felt relieved and warm at this moment of Total Swiss's global family spirit.

Dr. Wang then took the stage to deliver the opening speech to Korean partners (in fact, to global partners).

**Below is an abstract of Dr. Wang's speech:**

After three years of the pandemic, we finally meet our Korean partners who we haven't seen in three years. The pandemic is over, and we are about to start a new life and embark on new developments.

During the pandemic, none of our markets worldwide were knocked down. We just saw that the Korean company was celebrating, and global partners came together to congratulate them. Last month, our global partners also celebrated the relocation of the Total Swiss Johor Bahru branch in Malaysia.

Today, perhaps some partners from some countries cannot come to the recognition ceremony in Korea, but our hearts are closely connected.

Total Swiss is a global company without borders. Many people are still unclear about this. We used to call this borderless feature global connection. But this description is not vivid enough. In fact, we are, "as long as you have a number, all your people, no matter which market they are in, will be under your umbrella."

If you still don't understand, Korean partners are recommended to study it carefully. Many Taiwanese partners understand this better, so Taiwanese partners receive more bonuses.

I also know that there are more restrictions on direct selling regulations in Korea, so everyone may not know how to establish overseas organizations.

There are many compatriots of ours in overseas areas such as the Middle East, Vietnam, and Australia. They are working hard in their overseas residences, which is very hard, and their diets are also not suitable. They need health very much, and we should break through the legal restrictions in Korea to care for the health of overseas compatriots and develop overseas businesses. As long as you remit the money earned overseas back to Korea and honestly pay taxes, no matter how strict Korea's direct selling regulations are, you have not violated the law, and the Korean government will be very grateful to you.

If you can understand, you should find that Total Swiss's design can be said to be unique in the world, and no one can keep up with our bonus calculation method.

In fact, in addition to being borderless and having a global connection, Total Swiss has many other advantages. However, I am sorry for the development of Total Swiss Korea because I manage it less personally, making it more difficult for you to understand the advantages and enjoy the benefits of Total Swiss.

I see that Korean partners are really striving hard, always with the spirit of Fighting, Fighting. With this spirit, you will not only be successful in Korea but also in the world and can create a vast space in the world.

It is very important for a company to have value in existence. If a company only cares about the benefits of senior executives, then the value of its existence is doubtful. If a company only cares about the benefits of middle and low-level executives, it is also a big question mark.

In addition, if a company closes itself off, no one can go out. If it builds high walls, outsiders don't know what Total Swiss is doing. Everyone is excited inside the door, but people outside may see Total Swiss as a monster.

Therefore, a company not only needs to take care of the benefits of senior executives but also needs to be recognized and respected by society and the government. I have always reached out to places in Taiwan where we are needed with Taiwanese partners, and Total Swiss's public welfare actions in Taiwan will also be taken in Korea in the future.

We want the Korean people and the Korean government to naturally give a thumbs up when they hear TSK.

Before achieving this, we need to review internally first, let partners know and recognize the value of our company's existence, and we have many unique values that other companies do not have. Here I can only give two of the most important parts:

First, we have the best product. Our products are beneficial and harmless to people, and it is easy for products to benefit people, but it is difficult for them to be harmless. Whether a product is harmful or not is difficult to see in a short time. It takes time for the harm to begin to appear.

Total Swiss's products are recognized as beneficial to people worldwide. Even products of the same type or from competitors do not dare to compare with our best product.

However, this is not enough. Even if a product has been sold for 20 or 30 years, it will encounter bottlenecks. Therefore, research and development are essential, and research and development can continuously enable our company to launch the best products. Moreover, our research and development team conducts systematic research and development. We do not develop products just because they are easy to sell.

We first launched the Triple Crown, then launched products for the eyes (lutein) and the heart (Q10), then launched probiotics for the intestinal environment, and now we have launched LipoLiver to promote liver health. Soon, we will also launch new products to protect knees.

Through such systematic research and development, Total Swiss is helping everyone step by step from sub-health to health.

Second, our company's existence also needs to enable partners to make money. We are not the kind of company that makes quick money. In our company, making money is not that fast. Many people have always hoped that I would change the system to allow them to make money faster. However, your profits come from new people buying products. No one wants a large sum of money to be taken away and distributed to others when they buy products. Similarly, your downline will not like it when a large portion of the money they spend on products is given to their upline.

Therefore, your method must be correct to make money and earn more and longer.

Generally, people also hope to be lucky and get extra money.




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