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Seize the strongest May promotion in history, let's all join Crown together.

5 / 3 / 2023

total swiss korea ther.

After the pandemic, traveling abroad has become an important part of many people's lives, and travel industry professionals such as airlines and hotels have become extremely busy.

Seoul, South Korea is a very popular tourist destination.

Fighting for flights and hotels from 4am to 10pm

In this tense reality, Total Swiss had to dispatch over 200 people from Taiwan to Seoul for Total Swiss Korea's award ceremony, which was undoubtedly not an easy task.

After active coordination with the travel agency and overcoming difficulties, the flight and hotel reservations were finally completed shortly before departure.

On April 22, partners who took the 7:30 am flight arrived at Taoyuan Airport Terminal 2 departure hall one after another starting from around 4:40 am. Approximately one-third of the partners, whether excited or worried, didn't sleep almost all night.

Around 50 partners who took the early flight arrived in Korea and checked in smoothly around 11am. Then, the second and third flights also arrived in Korea in the afternoon and evening, and the last group of partners completed the check-in procedures around 10pm.

On the morning of April 23, Total Swiss Korea held a grand welcome party for Taiwanese partners. The Taiwanese partners took seven buses from the three hotels, Shilla Stay, Four Points by Sheraton, and Swiss, to Total Swiss Building located in Gangnam district.

During the pre-event interaction, the president took out his camera and showed Dr. Wang the photos he took last night (April 22), sharing that he had connected with the restaurant owner in the photos while eating. Some partners who arrived earlier during this trip took advantage of the relatively free time on the first day and started recommending things in the Chinese (Korean) area near the hotel, bringing good news for new members joining the association.

Following the footsteps of Taiwanese partners with enthusiasm

At 11:00 am, over 200 Taiwanese partners arrived at the basement conference room to attend the welcome party hosted by the Korean company. Lu Xi-ren, the General Manager of Total Swiss Korea, representing the Korean company, welcomed the Taiwanese partners and said, "Welcome enthusiastic Taiwanese partners. Your enthusiasm is almost turning the Total Swiss building upside down. Our Korean company will also follow the footsteps of Taiwanese partners with enthusiasm."

Although Taiwanese partners often have the opportunity to hear lectures from Dr. Wang, listening to Dr. Wang's speech in "Korean home" is a completely different feeling.

In the lecture, Dr. Wang first asked the Taiwanese partners if they were happy to be back in "Korean home"? At this moment, more than 200 partners below responded with warm applause and cheers.

Obviously, the off-site training is also an effective way to stimulate energy.

The following is a summary of Dr. Wang's speech to Taiwanese and Korean partners and administration:

Today, in order to welcome partners from Taiwan, Korean partners reserved the basement location specifically for Taiwanese partners. In the basement, there were only three Crown Ambassadors, Jin Dong-yuan, Wen Zhihui, and Lin Xianyu, while other Korean partners were on different floors.

We bought this building ourselves, and the price of building in Seoul is about twice that of Taiwan. Seoul is close to the 38th parallel, and just like in Taiwan, there's a friend nearby shouting. However, I think both Korea and Taiwan are very safe, so everyone can rest assured.

Our Korean home has already been marked on the map. Therefore, when you come to Seoul, you don't have to worry about not finding the Korean company. You just need to tell the taxi driver "Gangnam gu Total Swiss building," and the driver will take you to the company.

Korea has one point that is more advanced than Taiwan. When they order goods online, they only need to type two characters in the address field, and a list of addresses related to those two characters will appear. Then they can select the address, which is convenient and correct, and the address will not be handwritten incorrectly.

Direct Sales Strongholds: Tehran Road, Guro District, and Daelim District

In the Jiangnan District, there is a road called Tehran Road. It got its name because during the early stages of Middle Eastern economic development, South Korea exported a lot of technology and labor to Arab countries and Iran, earning a lot of money and maintaining good relations with Middle Eastern countries, especially Iran. The Jiangnan District is now very prosperous, but it was an undeveloped area at that time. South Korea used the money earned from the Middle East to develop the Jiangnan area, and named the main road of this newly developed area Tehran Road.

According to statistics, 70% of South Korean direct sales companies are located on Tehran Road. In addition to Tehran, the second direct sales concentration point in South Korea is the Guro and Daelim districts.

In that area, there are about 600,000 Mandarin-speaking people, mostly Koreans. Because of this, I specifically arranged for you to stay there during this trip to South Korea so that you can immerse yourself in the local culture without feeling scared.

Here, I want to introduce Lee, the chairman who is highly respected by the Korean people in the Guro and Daelim districts. Knowing Lee is like knowing the key figure of the hundreds of thousands of Mandarin-speaking Koreans.

Yesterday, I had dinner with Lee Sun-ja and several other Korean community leaders, who all gave a thumbs up and praised our products.

Sharing from Korean opinion leader Lee Sun-ja

Lee was invited to attend this welcome meeting. After a brief introduction, Dr. Wang invited her to share her experience. Lee said she was born in Dalian and had been in South Korea for more than 30 years. She said: "I used to have hepatitis C, and the situation was very bad. But now it's different. After using the product seriously for six months, my liver index is now normal."

Lee said that not only did she eat well, but when she introduced the product to her friends, everyone praised Total Swiss's products.

After Lee Sun-ja's sharing, Dr. Wang continued his speech:

Regarding Korean language, we will also open classes for everyone who comes to South Korea in the future. According to linguists, Korean is the easiest language to learn in the world because Korean characters are very scientifically systematic. On the other hand, Taiwanese is the hardest to learn. For example, the word "gan-an-ni" has completely different meanings depending on the tone used to say it.

Many people can speak English very well, just like Americans, but almost no foreigner can really learn Taiwanese well and speak it vividly.

Breaking through barriers and expanding global organizations with an international perspective

We must have an international perspective. For Korean partners, international perspective may be a difficult barrier to break through. Because Korean sales laws are very strict, direct sales are considered as a job. If you are a foreigner without a work permit, you cannot do direct sales in Korea.

Because of this regulation, it is also difficult for Koreans to find downlines in foreign countries. For example, if Kim Dong-yuan, a crown member, finds a new person in Taiwan, he cannot add this Taiwanese friend to his organization in Korea because it violates the regulation that foreigners without work permits cannot do direct sales in Korea.

From this point of view, Taiwanese partners, you can say that you are lucky. Taiwanese partners can find anyone anywhere to be their downline. Therefore, one day before I came to Korea this time, a Taiwanese partner told me a very different good news. He said he had recommended a new partner from Tunisia to join the organization.

We can register the new friend in Taiwan. Then what is the relationship between him and Kim Dong-yuan? Yes, the bonus generated by the Taiwanese new friend will become Kim's overseas income.

For example, if Kim Dong-yuan develops a line in Taiwan and earns a bonus of 100 million, we will pay the tax in Taiwan and attach a tax clearance certificate to Kim. If paying tax in Korea is more cost-effective, we can do it in reverse.

We are the only company in the world that truly achieves "global connection bonus merging calculation". Other companies that claim to have global connections are fake. And we have not only achieved global online (computer) connections, but also global pocket connections.

Amy and Pan's global income with President Juan's Crown

When it comes to global Pocket Connection, Dr. Wang invited Global Chief Crown President Amy on stage to share how many countries her organization has covered.

Amy said her organization covers Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, Australia, China and even the United States and Canada. All regions have bonuses, and most of the time, bonuses overseas are larger than those in Taiwan.

Then, Dr. Wang also invited Crown Pan Hui-xin to share her organization's territory, which includes Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, China and even Austria (Vienna).

Another named two-star president, Juan Jin-wei, said his organization spans Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Australia and Thailand.

Keeping up with Taiwan to build organizations on the whole earth

When the three Taiwanese presidents shared, Korean partners showed surprise and envy. After they finished sharing, Dr. Wang said:

This is why Korean partners' organization size is relatively small because Taiwanese partners' organizations are all over the earth, while Korean partners' organizations are only in Korea.

To summarize, if Korean partners want to develop overseas organizations, they only need to do two things in Korea: first, use online tools such as LINE and KakaoTalk to assist their downlines abroad; second, report taxes to the government. Other than these two things, everything else will not happen in Korea.

Why do many partners in Taiwan not appreciate their fortune? Because everyone seems to feel that the benefits of our global connection bonuses should have been there from the beginning.

Many other MLM companies have to start from scratch when developing organizations in every place, starting from newcomers, step by step from M1, M2, M3, D1, D2, D3 to CP.

Under our global connection bonus consolidation system, if a newcomer joins, regardless of the country the newcomer is in, our CP can receive 7% expansion bonus and 9% difference bonus, totaling 16% bonus from the newcomer.

Put Korean newcomers in Korea and put money in your pocket

Korean law stipulates that Taiwanese partners cannot operate organizations in Korea, but that's okay. Taiwanese partners, please recommend Korean newcomers as much as possible, just like how President Jin Dong-yuan recommended newcomers in Taiwan, we will also put Taiwanese partners' recommended newcomers in Korea. Put people in Korea and put bonuses in your pocket.

Of course, if Koreans understand and can make good use of our unique and strongest global system, then Koreans should win and Taiwanese may lose. Because Koreans are twice as many as Taiwanese, but their fighting spirit may be ten times that of Taiwanese.

Unlimited Potential of Korean Partners to Go Global

Apart from Korea itself, Korean expatriates also have great potential. Even now, there are many Korean expatriates in the Middle East. In Vietnam, especially in Hanoi, Samsung, LG, and Hyundai buildings are prominent landmarks in the city, and there is a street with many Korean restaurants called "Korean Street." In Australia, there is an Asian ethnic enclave where one side of a ditch is the Chinese area of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China, while the other side is all Koreans.

Whether in the Middle East, Vietnam, or Australia, these Koreans who work hard overseas especially need health and nutrition. Therefore, if Korean partners go abroad and develop foreign organizations, it will be an unstoppable force. At TSK, you have not only the Korean market but also a vast world to conquer.

On the other side of the river (Yalu River) is the vast Northeast China, with nearly 100 million people. Now that we have a direct selling brand in Harbin, Northeast China is particularly close to you.

Creating a Company Without Borders

For Taiwanese partners, the Chinese market has the advantage of sharing the same language and culture, and there must be endless potential and unlimited benefits.

When I founded Total Swiss, I was determined to remove the boundaries between countries and make it a direct selling company without borders. When everyone has a direct selling business without borders, they should work hard to expand their organization and not waste their energy on trivial matters.

This time, I have invited Taiwanese partners to Korea to broaden their horizons. The cost for each person is at least 50,000 NTD, and with more than 200 people this time, it cost over 10 million NTD. However, if 50 people understand the advantages of global connections and take active actions to create 1-2 billion in revenue, it will be worth it.

Going out to develop a newcomer over a bowl of noodles

Taipei has only 2.5 million people, while Seoul has 9.9 million people. Therefore, our Taiwanese partners, don't come back empty-handed from your trip to Seoul this time. I intentionally didn't provide three meals for everyone this time, so you can go out and find food. Except for breakfast, don't eat in the hotel, go out and find some small shops to eat a bowl of rice or noodles and establish a connection with someone.

In Korea, there is a phenomenon that is different from Taiwan. If you join different MLM companies in Taiwan, people will see each other as enemies. However, in Korea, there is no such enemy line in the MLM industry. MLM sellers from different companies will privately communicate with each other and compare their products. In this regard, Total Swiss will definitely win compared to others. Products from other companies, such as the large brand A company worldwide, are pills or capsules that are difficult to swallow and can't compare to the best drink we have.

Going to a country that you won't leave once you enter

In Korea, it is common for MLM sellers to move from one company to another. I have a strong heart for such situations. People come and go, and my heartbeat is not affected.

Another place where MLM sellers move around is China, and the market with the least mobility of MLM sellers is the United States. In the United States, many MLM sellers only do one company in their lifetime.

On June 10th, I will hold the first health seminar in the Walnut office in California, USA. Let's go to a place where people won't leave once they come in. Will you all go then?

More than 200 partners in the audience answered in unison that they will go.

Seize the best opportunity and go up to CP together

In May, we have a very important promotion. This time, the May promotion will determine if you can go up on the global award stage on July 8th. Moreover, we will only count your performance in May to determine your rank on stage. If you are a Crown President in May, you will be a Crown President on stage. If you are a P2 in May, even if you were a CP before, you will only be a P2 on stage.

Of course, I will also give you an easier way to become a CP. I hope everyone can go up on stage with the CP rank and be fully present. Let's fill up and overwhelm our award stage.



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