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Total Swiss' 15th Million Dollar Lottery is more exciting than usual!

4 / 21 / 2023

total swiss korea sual!

After the lifting of epidemic prevention measures in September 2022, Dr. Willy Wang began his ice-breaking trip to Singapore on September 29th to meet with Singaporean partners and hold health seminars. Since then, he has been on a new round of flights to Japan, Vietnam, China, Brunei, and Malaysia. Due to the busy schedule, Total Swiss was unable to find time to hold the 15th Global Million Lucky Draw until the afternoon of March 30th, which was already the penultimate day of March.

Since the opening of the Johor Bahru branch in Malaysia had generated strong energy and high morale among many partners, the 15th draw was not only full but also had a stronger sense of excitement than usual, ready to soar.

The host, Two Star President Jin-Wei Ruan, introduced that there were 2,313 partners eligible for the one-with-five lottery, with 2,500 lottery numbers and a total of 4,845 ball numbers for the 20 balls, so there would be 2,345 empty numbers. Obviously, the 15th draw will still be as exciting as the 13th and 14th draws, with half of the silver prizes likely to be accumulated for the next draw, and the $1 million gold prize likely to become a $2 million gold prize for the 16th draw.

Due to the accumulation of the 13th and 14th draws, three of the ten silver prizes in this draw will accumulate to NT$300,000, and one to NT$200,000, while the other six will be NT$100,000.

Upon seeing this situation, the witness lawyer Ming-Zhou Li , who has always been shy with words, went up to the stage to verify the numbered ball and asked his partners on the spot in Taipei, "Do you want to take away the prize money more than anything else, or do you want the prize money to be stacked higher?"

In response to this question, the partners in Taipei seemed hesitant, and their answers were not consistent. This phenomenon seemed to reflect a mood of "if I can't get the prize, then make the prize stack higher."

After that, Dr. Wang began the lottery.

The first two silver prizes were NT$100,000, which were drawn with empty numbers and accumulated into the next NT$200,000.

The third silver prize, which had already accumulated to NT$300,000, was still empty and continued to accumulate to NT$400,000.

The fourth silver prize, which had already accumulated to NT$200,000, was also a double silver prize, but it was still empty and accumulated to NT$300,000.

The fifth silver prize of NT$300,000 was won by a Singaporean partner, who was also the first NT$300,000 winner in 15 draws.

After that, the 6th to 10th silver prizes saw a slight decrease in empty numbers, with only the 6th and 8th silver prizes being empty. The seventh silver prize of NT$100,000 was won by President Mei-Ching Lin in Taipei, the first time in 15 draws that a president was drawn in Taipei.

The 9th silver prize of NT$300,000 was awarded to a Singaporean partner, and the 10th silver prize was awarded to a Taiwanese partner.

There were two lucky winners from Taiwan and two from Singapore, but the two Singaporean winners were obviously luckier, both winning triple the prize in one go.

Finally, the much-anticipated million-dollar prize was drawn, but it turned out to be empty. One million NT dollars will be accumulated as the first two million NT dollars in the next drawing, and this doubled prize will obviously be twice as attractive to the partners.

Since there were only four winners in this drawing, which also affected the number of prizes on site, Dr. Willy Wang drew a special silver prize to encourage participation on site. As a result, the NT$100,000 prize once again went to the Taiwan partner, adding one more silver prize winner and increasing the number of NT$10,000 live prize winners at the global company site simultaneously.


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