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Dr. Wang always creates the first place business environment to help partners to establish themselves and grow bigger!

4 / 14 / 2023

total swiss korea gger!

Dr. Wang gave an inspiring speech to our global partners at our Taipei office before the Million Dollar Lottery on the afternoon of March 30.

The following is an excerpt of the talk:

We have just returned from Johor Bahru, and many of our partners have just returned home for a short period and then come right back here to participate in the lottery. Many people aske me when will we host this event and are we going to host this event in this month or not?

Of course, so today, here we come.

View a person as a partner

This time in Johor Bahru, the partners from Malaysia are very shocking to the Taiwanese and Singaporean partners, like locusts crossing the border, and sweeping out a lot of harvest, even to eat a bowl of noodles, go to massage, can find new partners.

Everyone seems to be happy with what they see, but in this case, it is right to be happy with what you see, when you meet a person, just view him as a new partner.

In April, we are going to Korea. The date was originally set for April 18, but I think the scheduled venue in Korea is too small, so I have to find a new one.

MLM is a very noble profession

There are some things that I was going to say at the July conference, but I couldn't help but say them.

MLM is a business for people, and people's hearts are the most susceptible to change, and when the external environment changes, MLM is the most vulnerable.

It has been 70 to 80 years since the development of MLM, and it is logical that many companies would have been successful in this long period of time. The fact is there are very few successful companies and MLM is obviously a very difficult industry to be in.

There are very few successful companies, and it is not easy for distributors to be successful either. In our company, our goal is not only to be a president. To be a  two-star president is a more difficult goal and the crown presidents are even more rare.

There are not many successful companies and successful distributors, but there are many people who are in the MLM business, and the industry that so many people are in is looked down upon by society.

However, let me tell you, this industry is actually a very respectable industry.

Misconceptions Mislead Business Mindset

In the MLM industry, it seems that there are some specious concepts, such as everyone is waiting for the day when they will meet a “big eagle” who will help them make a lot of money.

The reality is that a real eagle will not let you meet. The ones you do meet are the ones who are not doing well and are changing runways for the worse.

There is a saying in marketing that there will be an eagle within seven generations, and I don't know what this saying is based on. But it has spread very widely and become a classic saying, causing great misunderstanding to many people.

Every day, I wonder how I can help people grow their businesses.

Many people say that there should be a system for marketing, and that if you put people into the system, the system will turn newcomers into marketing generals and chicks into eagles.

But over the past decade, I have not seen any company that has such a system that can automatically produce eagles.

Define your own values and follow your own path

There are too many specious arguments in the marketing world, such as "no Sundays for three years" and "every day is Sunday after three years."

This time, I really couldn't help myself in Malaysia. Therefore, I told everyone that in order to succeed, you must not follow others but define your own path.

If TSMC had followed behind Texas Instruments and Intel, it would not be the world's largest today. TSMC is on its own path, defining what a chip is. What is the definition of a foundry? TSMC has defined itself so that others must use its products and must use TSMC to be the best.

Therefore, we also need to define ourselves, and if we define our products, we will have the courage to share them.

Define the complete element and leave the imitators behind

In the marketing world, it is a common phenomenon to use a lot of our own products, which can cause harm if the products imply problems. Therefore, there are some executives or partners who come to us from other companies, and the previous heavy use of products has left many problems with them.

In our company, the first thing we have to ensure is that our products are safe, and I also use them a lot, so if I don't have any problems, everyone can use them without worry.

Because we have done a good job, some follow us in the market to make three cans of products to fish for pearls. Therefore, we define our Triple Crown as "Complete Element." With this definition, we can differentiate our Triple Crown from the other three cans and highlight the value of our Total Element.

In this world, only our Total Swiss and Yama's Triple Crown are called Complete Elements.

Probiotics must be alive to be counted

We have a new definition for probiotics: only those that are alive will be counted.

According to the WHO standard, probiotics must contain at least 10 billion live bacteria to be effective, and our 14 billion count is the best number.

Our new definition will definitely bring a decisive change to the probiotic market. I have already agreed with the factory that every box of probiotics will be accompanied by a certificate of live bacteria when it leaves the factory in the future.

In addition, we have also redefined the definition of maintenance products: the effectiveness of a maintenance product can only be measured after makeup is removed.

Remove makeup to see the real work of maintenance

To make this kind of claim, You have to have lots of confidence.

Some people have skin that is rough or dull, but with the right skincare products, these issues can be easily addressed.

In the market, some products claim to have excellent spot removal effects, but in reality, it is acids like fruit acids and salicylic acid that can effectively remove spots.

To use these ingredients correctly, it is important to wipe them off after about ten minutes before applying makeup. Applying thick cosmetics directly without wiping off fruit acids and salicylic acid after using them to remove blemishes is not recommended.

There is a popular product on the market nowadays that makes people's skin look shiny, but at the same time, it gives them a masked appearance, which looks strange.

I am not convinced by this product and suggest taking off the makeup to see its true effects. Removing the makeup is the real test.

You're not a distributor but a business partner

Many MLM companies position their distributors as dealers, but at Total Swiss, we define our distributors as business partners of the company. 

For example, if we are a team that goes fishing together, how we share the profits after we return depends on the amount of effort each person contributes.

In the marketing partnership between you and the company, the only contribution required from you is people. All other investments, including office space, products, etc., are made by the company. If you can bring in one person, your share will be one person. If you bring in 100 people, your share will be 100 people. If you can bring in 10,000 people, your share will be very substantial.

Find people in society who need help

If you come across someone you think would be a good fit, we encourage you to bring them in and partner with our company.

So, what kind of people are we looking for?

While some may prefer to recruit doctors or bank presidents, Legislator Dai-Hua Lin, who has been a vocal advocate for the rights of MLMs despite facing criticism, put it best when she said that MLMs can benefit those who are struggling financially, those who fear financial insecurity, those who are unemployed or fear unemployment, and those who are facing health issues or fear health problems.

Ms. Lin's question in the Legislative Yuan was well-reasoned, as she understood that MLMs are designed to help those who are most in need in society.

Helping partners face a friendly environment

We are all business partners in the company, so what is the role of the executive? At Total Swiss, executives, like leaders, spend 70% of their time caring for partners, 20% serving partners, and only 10% on management.

My job is not to sell the product myself, but rather to ensure that our products sell well.

I also strive to promote respect for MLMs and create a more welcoming environment for our company in society. We engage in charitable work, sponsor children, and help our partners operate in a friendly and supportive environment.

During my recent visit to Jaunan Elementary School to sponsor a table tennis team, I was able to identify what the kids were missing and address the doubts and concerns of parents who were worried about their children's growth and allergies.

How to come is how to go, earning fast is dying fast

Now, we have entered another period of rapid growth. Of course, there are those who complain that our system is slow to earn. A cow has only a piece of skin, it is impossible to peel out two or three layers; those who claim to earn fast are very problematic.

Including Korea, Malaysia, and Vietnam, many governments have banned the dual-track system because they know that the defects of the dual-track system will give rise to many interest disputes and social problems. 

The dual-track system only has left and right sides, and there is no choice. In contrast, we adopt the solar system, where you are free to choose your downline, organization, and how to develop.

You may think our system is slow, but when you take it seriously and really do it, you will find that our system is not slow at all.

Your goal is to become a Crown President 

In April, I will lower the threshold for going to Korea so that you can utilize your talents and go to Korea to achieve success again. There are 3 or 4 million Koreans in Korea who speak the same language as we do, and Koreans are a relatively disadvantaged group in Korea, making them a good target for development.

There is an old saying in Taiwan that goes "Hugging a cat to walk over the threshold" which means a man is profit-seeking that can ask a guest who hugs a cat walking through the door to pay. If someone can make money by holding a cat over the threshold, and you can't make money by selling the best product, then you must not have put enough effort into it. I hope that you treat Total Swiss as your career. In the Total Swiss system, the only and ultimate goal is to become a Crown President.

Formally entered the mainland 1.4 billion market

I will tell you why my face is not looking like a 70-year-old's. I will also tell you that the China market that we have been waiting for a long time will be officially launched soon, and what are the conditions for us to have the license to enter the market of 1.4 billion people in China legally with no change in the product and no change in the system?


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