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Standing on a new height and being fearless of challenges! Dr. Wang will lead Total Swiss partners to a win-win year!

4 / 7 / 2023

total swiss korea year!

On January 19, 2023, Total Swiss held the million-dollar lottery in Taipei, which is the first lottery of the year and the last lottery before the Lunatic New Year. Before the event, Dr. Willy Wang delivered an inspiring speech. He talked about the festival first and then ignited everyone’s hope and motivation. Here is a summary of the speech.

Change your mind to find a new way

Now, the epidemic seems to be ending, but it seems to resist. Over the past three years, many friends and family have been affected by the epidemic, some have lost their lives, some have got sick, and many companies have been hit hard by the epidemic and have even closed. Of course, many companies have made profits, come back from the dead, and found their way through the cracks. We are fortunate to have emerged from the epidemic and entered the new year.

You can see a company's capabilities in a difficult time. A company should equip with the capabilities of seizing the moment and finding a solution to the dilemma. That's why people often say, "Change your mind to find a new way and you will see a different view." We hope that our partners will be able to overcome all the difficulties. Spring will come after the cold winter.

Our company has also been going through a most difficult period since 2016 which affects some of our partners. I pretended that I was fine but in fact, I was shot a lot and experienced a lot of hardships that no one knows about. But everything will pass, and you will look back and feel that it is not so serious after that. It is an experience for you if you look at it from another perspective. Without going through the storms, you will not know if you can survive or not when you encounter difficulties.

A little bird will not know the will of a hawk. A narrow-minded man will not see a far-sighted man's view.

An ant walking on the ground can never guess what a fly is thinking when it flies in the air. Because ants live in the second dimension, they do not sense the threat of the third dimension. The people who criticize Total Swiss are just like the ants on the ground. We are in the third dimension which is beyond their imagination.

General fish oil is easily obtainable, and there is a wide variety of fish oil on the market. However, only the uncontaminated oil from the schizochytrium is the most difficult to obtain, and it is also the main material of our Omega-3 Vegetarian.

When general fish oil is consumed, it contaminates blood vessels before solving the problems of blood clots and cholesterol. Most fish oil is in liquid form and therefore prone to bacteria, requiring the addition of preservatives. Moreover, EPA is more prevalent in fish oil on the market, but it is not necessary for our bodies; DHA is essential for us.

These are the details that critics who claim that their fish oil is easier to absorb can't understand.

Total Swiss will release more products this year. In this era, many elderly people struggle with cognitive impairment. The products for these issues are already on the way.

The best diary is a must-have tool for everyone to start a new business

This year, I wrote my expectations for us to "start a new business" in our diary, which is the best in the world. We use the best material I have ever seen in my travels around the world to make this cover, and it feels so good to touch. Each page inside is also exactly what we all need, from the periodic table to the addresses of every global market point, water-supplying station locations, health quotes, and a beautiful catalog of all our products.

If someone finds a better notebook than this one, bring it to me and I'll buy it for a lot of money.

I expect all of our members to have a copy of this notebook. Some people had asked me does Total Swiss have a company in Australia or California before. Now you don't need to ask me anymore, this notebook has everything you want to know.

This notebook also has a blank page for you to record anything. Many people forget their oral commitments, but now you can write them down. I hope that you will not take my words that I have prepared for three to five hours as a deaf ear. You can write down what I say in your notebook.

Lets go to Malaysia, Korea, Vietnam, and the United States every month

All the venues in Taiwan are fully booked this year so our global conference is scheduled for July 8. We will go to Malaysia on March 25 before this event. Total Swiss has already bought a new building of its own in Johor Bahru. The building, which I let the young people conceive and design, shows a new feeling. You can go to Johor Bahru a day or two in advance to see what the young people are thinking about now.

We are planning to go to Korea on April 18. Originally, we wanted to hold our event at the Seoul Olympic Stadium, but the stadium schedule is already full. It has been booked until 2024. In May, we will be visiting Vietnam. I will go to Vietnam first before we will finalize the time to visit. Maybe we can go to the US in June and bring some passion to there.

Open more pharmacies. Open up new prospects. 

The second half of 2023 will be the time for acceptance. The main goal of this year is "Open up new prospects." Don't forget that Total Swiss has set a prospect on the drug market.

Total Swiss is going to open a pharmacy this year. This will be an excellent way to gain new members. Gaining new members is a difficult challenge for our industry now. This is the problem of the industry as a whole so I have put a lot of effort into improving the image of the industry, hoping that people will not immediately reject MLM and direct sales.

That's why I invested a lot of time, money, and effort in it. I even made a great movie called "Never-Ending Road".

Because the director of the film, Chih-Yung Chang, died a few months ago, the Ministry of Culture approached me and asked me to donate the film to the Ministry's collection. I haven't agreed yet, because we haven't watched enough.

I used to spend a lot of time and money on the industry, but in the future, I will spend as much time as I can on the company. We change ourselves first to make others change their perceptions of us. In this way, there will be more and more people who want to cooperate with us and create a new business. It will also set a high standard for the industry.

Small streams flow long, and 99% of the work starts after the trade.

What time is it? It's time for everything to get more expensive because the US dollar keeps increasing in value. Therefore, competing on price has become the race among most companies. For them, the one who raises the price the least wins.

But this is actually the thinking of people living in the second dimension. In higher dimensions, there are more sophisticated ways than just competing on price. Who said that profit can only be made by selling products? Sometimes you sell a product at a loss, but you are not really losing because you have another plan. Who said that collecting money immediately after selling a product is the best way? Otherwise, why do banks offer installment payments and allow customers to pay slowly, bit by bit?

In fact, is it the bank that collects money slowly and gradually or the roadside vendor that collects cash that earns more?

So don't think about making big money in every trade. You need to know how to play the long game. Don't think that you have to make the biggest profit from a customer in a single transaction. Instead, think about making long-term trades with customers. What is powerful about the MLM industry is to make the customers always buy from you, and the longer they live, the longer they purchase.

Also, customers definitely do not buy products just to have them. They want to solve a problem.

Have you solved their problems? If you have solved their problems, you have achieved their goals, and they will stick with you. In fact, the service after selling the product accounts for 99% of the business, and that's the most important part. Selling a product only completes 1% of the work and then you need to use service to complete the other 99% of the long-term goal, which is the ultimate skill that our partners need to have in this industry. If you sell something to one person and provide excellent services, then many people will come because of the services.

The downline distributors are happy. Their downline distributors will be much happier!

You may think my brain is a little less clear. All the prices of the products in every market are raising and we still conduct a "six plus two" promotional campaign. We are selling at cost price so you buy very happy. What is the deeper meaning behind this? It is to solve the problem of the tight economy, so everyone buys and earns when they buy, not for the sake of buying products, but for the sake of saving for rainy days.

Total Swiss uses this method to demonstrate the difference between the company's capabilities and those of its rivals. We can confidently ask others to come here to enjoy the discount and ask them "Why do you want to buy something at an inflated price, and even want me to buy something at an inflated price with you?"

What Total Swiss is promoting is a correct and undoubtedly winning sword, but winning and multiplying sales is not a win for only the upline representatives, but a win-win situation for upline representatives and downline distributors. If the downline distributors are happy, their downline distributors will be happier. It will make the whole system bigger. You are now in a company that has a pattern, vision and willingness to invest, and is already based on a starting point that is rare in the world.


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